Setting up Product-Specific Xero Accounts

By default, all Shopify orders are posted to Xero using the Sales / Revenue Account set in the Setup - Xero section.

More information on setting this up is available here.

This is also replicated in the Setup - Products section.

If needed, you can assign specific products or product types to different Xero accounts using Product Mapping.


You're an e-comm merchant selling Sandals.

One of your best selling items are Double Pluggers, and you'd like to capture that separately in your accounts.

How to set up Product Mapping

  1. Navigate to Setup - Products section.
  2. Locate the Match Product SKUs setting and Disable it. ⚠️ Product Mapping is only applicable when this setting is turned off.

  1. In the Product Mapping Override section, click on Add Product Mapping.

  1. A pop-up will appear listing your store’s products. Select the product you'd like to add a new mapping for and click Add.

  1. Select the Xero Revenue Account you'd want orders of that product from Shopify to get posted into.

  1. Click Save All to confirm the changes.

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